
楼主: ti-na


发表于 2009-5-14 15:07:05 | 显示全部楼层

回复 10楼的 mqxuehu 的帖子

做做好人啊~~翻译下 ~~证明下胶友也有相关外文能力的。
橡胶技术网 ,分享知识,创造价值! 一所没有围墙的大学!!
发表于 2009-5-14 15:09:57 | 显示全部楼层
橡胶技术网 ,分享知识,创造价值! 一所没有围墙的大学!!
发表于 2009-5-14 15:11:14 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1胶分 +5 收起 理由
szg200030008 + 5 精彩回复,我很看好你哦!


橡胶技术网 ,分享知识,创造价值! 一所没有围墙的大学!!
发表于 2009-5-14 15:22:03 | 显示全部楼层
JOB TITLE:           Test Engineer Materials7 j8 f: K7 W! G$ y
LOCATION NAME:     Shanghai2 A5 F; ]$ K: N7 c8 O: H4 k" |

8 R* |: |- l" d5 B) D2 {7 m6 x9 v# _REPORTS TO:         Technical Center Manager
, k$ Q0 T, z3 h; H0 c3 `. d: t& fDEPARTMENT:        Technical Center
% S0 A9 j' M5 o3 b# r0 A
* t- z. }$ H" R2 u) z! G) MGENERAL STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITIES: The responsibility of these positions is to research and develop polymeric coatings, composites, elastomeric compounds, laminates and thermoplastic resins, and metallic alloys to support customers, sales, engineering, and manufacturing!
8 e0 H2 D% B8 m7 n, y, A( U! H工作职责是为客户,销售,工程,生产,研发和开发高分子涂料,弹性体,热塑性树脂,金属合金。! ]( J9 }* s' E
' u: V3 u* I5 J7 e6 d% K" A6 b/ kThe engineer is responsible for organizing and conducting analytical and/or physical tests on polymeric, elastomeric and thermoplastic materials so as to provide materials engineering solutions to customers, engineering or manufacturing.  The engineer is also responsible for ensuring that any data leaving the materials department via customer report, engineering report, manufacturing report, or publication is of the utmost integrity.- L* z5 f  F* p/ J" t
# N4 f" N; I8 `) s5 kCOMMERCIAL:
1 r0 S: i- t( f& L1 S& hThe engineer is responsible for actively participating in the appropriate Product Development Groups, professional organizations (ACS, AIChE, etc.), and manufacturing or engineering task forces.  As a member of these associations or technical groups, he/she is expected to provide insight and direction on the present requirements and future needs regarding materials or materials processes, and support customer engineering or manufacturing needs.
; h) k, j) V. I/ J积极参与相应的产品开发,专业技术以及生产或工程小组。能够为现阶段的需要和今后材料或材料加工提供有预见性和方向性的意见。
8 E7 f1 p" ~! d, a8 w0 tJOB REQUIREMENTS:
! ~& F( J6 z! ~, A        B.S. or higher in the following sciences (Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Material or Polymer Science).  Biology, Mechanical Engineering or Metallurgy is acceptable if course-work included any of the following organic, inorganic and polymer chemistry. % m: i1 A7 J6 [, I- v
# \/ \- C! ~' x, \1 ?, n        2 years  related working experience; e9 i$ y3 s; t+ M& L) z5 ]
0 Z8 b/ P/ {( q. c9 C        Specific proficiency levels for each job skill required is defined in the Skills Requirement Checklist for this job title.4 ?, V3 b- Q! z2 m1 y& o# {0 b0 |
        Must demonstrate a basic understanding and working knowledge of organic and polymer chemistry
3 m# d  t$ [  o, C, Z4 H        Demonstrate a understanding of mechanics of materials and dynamics from mechanical engineering curriculum
/ H+ T% _$ z3 `     上面的3句都是说要有相关资料能证明你所说的能力。
( A: I: L- `+ L* h  _! i. X           Basic understanding of all the instruments, test methods, test procedures, and results used and generated in the materials laboratory.  对仪器,测试方法,步骤及对在实验室产生或使用的结论的理解。" q) k- Z+ M2 H0 l
        Participate in Product Development or Focus Groups team meetings
* _, S2 u9 F" V: B, c& s1 ~; Q( j          参与产品开发,团队会议。
: P) l% Q5 {- p0 B& A        Capable of preparing test request once the objective has been identified under the assistance of a senior co-worker    一旦上级制定了一个项目,要有能力准备测试要求。9 ~% u* O4 G# s8 h) [* E5 i1 a/ Y
        If the Manager – Materials Development considers neessary, must complete a Basic Rubber Technology course through the American Chemical Society (ACS) and one outside training course in a relevant area.
3 ?& Q' i+ O6 ~/ k' D, D8 E. c. y$ _2 |" O5 m9 i$ j! `' g- k
        Each employee has the authority to initiate action to prevent the occurrence of non-conformities relating to the product, process and quality system and has the authority to stop further work on non-conforming suspect product until the deficiency or conditions have been corrected.
# Q+ J6 `2 E5 I7 K, L        Capable of providing support as requested by supervisor.: V5 ~& H% X- a' l( H4 P# y
+ }' Y& A$ Y. A% b  @1 w* C; X还没翻译好,打字慢,不好意思。。。。。。


参与人数 2胶分 +7 技术指数 +5 收起 理由
徐志军 + 2 精彩回复,我很看好你哦!
szg200030008 + 5 + 5 精彩回复,我很看好你哦!


橡胶技术网 ,分享知识,创造价值! 一所没有围墙的大学!!
发表于 2009-5-14 15:33:18 | 显示全部楼层
橡胶技术网 ,分享知识,创造价值! 一所没有围墙的大学!!
发表于 2009-5-14 19:45:18 | 显示全部楼层
橡胶技术网 ,分享知识,创造价值! 一所没有围墙的大学!!
发表于 2009-5-14 22:43:13 | 显示全部楼层
+ x& }% b/ |; t" E0 x能问问是什么公司吗?
橡胶技术网 ,分享知识,创造价值! 一所没有围墙的大学!!
发表于 2009-5-15 08:43:14 | 显示全部楼层
橡胶技术网 ,分享知识,创造价值! 一所没有围墙的大学!!
发表于 2009-5-15 15:39:04 | 显示全部楼层
橡胶技术网 ,分享知识,创造价值! 一所没有围墙的大学!!
发表于 2009-5-27 16:57:54 | 显示全部楼层
俺能看懂,也符合条件,就是不知道怎么应聘。迷茫中……& C* p+ Z' k; X: P
橡胶技术网 ,分享知识,创造价值! 一所没有围墙的大学!!
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