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Silicone Elastomers U.S. 2011 set for December

发表于 2011-8-12 15:56:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Silicone Elastomers U.S. 2011 set for December
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Friday, August 12, 2011! i$ \, Z( m9 M4 u3 v

0 s3 z, V+ C0 ?7 T  ?Portland, ME - iSmithers announced the launch of Silicone Elastomers U.S. 2011. The conference will be held December 6-7, 2011, in Rosemont, IL. The two-day conference will cover the length and breadth of the silicone elastomers supply chain, including current research developments and new usage opportunities. The application areas of silicone elastomers are widespread due to their extensive spectrum of high-performance qualities, including temperature stability, electrical resistance, chemical inertia and high biocompatibility. Since silicone elastomers are important materials for many application areas, the conference will examine some of their more prevalent usages, such as automotive, electric and electronics, gaskets, domestic appliances, cosmetics, fabric coatings and medical devices. “iSmithers presented the fourth edition of the European-based silicone elastomers conference earlier this year, which was attended by 100 industry professionals representing all aspects of the supply chain within Europe,” said Christine Groff, conference director, IntertechPira. “Due to the continued success and growth of this conference, we decided to import the event to the U.S. to give it added exposure to those in the industry who are primarily based in North America.” Speaker recruitment for Silicone Elastomers U.S. 2011 is now underway. To submit a topic for consideration, or to request more details, please contact conference director Christine Groff at +1 207 781 9617 or christine.groff@pira-international.com.
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