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[技术] TPE国际知名生产商介绍

发表于 2010-7-3 07:57:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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1.   什么是TPE?( a+ l2 P( P% e% C6 S6 K: A
    广义上讲,TPE是所有热塑性弹性体的统称,包括TPV、TPR、TPO、TPU、TPEE、TPAE等,都是TPE的范畴具有弹性体的柔软、低模量特性,其中TPR是专指基于SEBS、SBS的弹性体。就是指以SBS、SEBS等苯乙烯类弹性体为基料的热塑性弹性体苯乙烯系热塑性弹性体(又称为苯乙烯系嵌段共聚物Styreneic Block Copolymers,简称SBCs)。在1972年,壳牌公司生产了SEBS共聚物,EB是指乙烯-丁烯共聚物嵌段。聚丁二烯中间段的氢化消除了氢键,提高了制品耐氧化降解和耐臭氧攻击。该产品的商品名为Kraton G®。- O' W6 I2 \+ S

3 I. }! P* f# w+ C3 w6 q2. TPE国际知名生产商介绍
) l* J* `/ @3 N8 {. d* \8 S, b    由于热塑性弹性体的分类有很多,从发展上看主要有PVC热塑性弹性体、苯乙烯类热塑性弹性体(SBCs)聚酯型热塑性弹性体、聚烯烃热塑性弹性体(TPOs)、热塑性硫化胶TPVs、聚酰胺热塑性弹性体、单相热熔性橡胶(MPR)等,因此生产厂家众多,而就狭义TPE (SEBS)而言国际知名的生产商有:美国科腾Kraton、台湾荣化、意大利埃尼、日本可乐丽、台湾台橡以及日本旭化成。& j( h5 a0 f5 a% h$ f0 @/ O
& B0 y' n8 l+ ~( P: z( v0 @! Z
7 F1 f2 _1 q* X( V; X( H) t8 k    作为苯乙烯嵌段共聚(SBC)化学的最初发明者,从20世纪60年代开始,科腾聚合物有限责任公司就与全球的创新者合作, 一直致力于提供精确的聚合物解决方案。科腾聚合物,以其无与伦比的供应可靠性和全球影响力,已经成为世界领先的苯乙烯嵌段共聚物(SBCs)和独特的聚异戊二烯(Polyisoprene)系列产品的制造商,同时也是开启未来市场革新的合作伙伴。
2 }) j; p1 t( `
8 K+ t' f' }4 \* d/ b8 L" M; X: [台湾荣化
; C5 A, m- z' Y! t' P4 ]$ x    李长荣集团积极推动企业的全球化发展,销售网点和生产基地遍布世界各地,已有生产工厂包括:台湾、美国及中国大陆,年产350,000吨热可塑性弹性体聚合物。
8 O! m* I  R0 ~* M; X& S+ O
! q  W9 v) ~& I5 g来源:(http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_66d5c7250100ioun.html) - TPE国际知名生产商介绍_谨良长治_新浪博客3 u( }) h& a& Q# |  G- _
意大利埃尼3 f& T+ F; \" y1 x5 _* r
    欧洲聚合体公司(Polimeri Europa),经营化工业务,由原埃尼化学公司(Enichem )重组而来。该公司在基础化工品、塑料及橡胶等领域在欧洲处于领先地位。是世界最大丁苯橡胶生产商,也是欧洲最大的乙烯生产商。在聚苯乙烯和聚氨基甲酸酯生产上拥有竞争优势。
: c  S' B& V* P: _( i
, y8 k* G1 m# G1 ]8 s; ^- d日本可乐丽0 J# [; y7 t! F6 |: U$ G
    SEPTON 是可乐丽通过独创技术开发出的苯乙烯类热可塑性弹性体。本产品不仅可在宽泛的温度范围内显示其如橡胶般的弹性,加热以后还可像塑料一样易于成形。该材料具有卓越的耐热性、耐候性、耐药品性以及较高的电气绝缘性等特性。9 `! g: j  o+ y! @! \; J+ q+ N6 [

9 Q* G- ^5 M3 _% i% a, F台湾台橡( y# t3 o5 E1 ?; Y3 @9 K7 f2 _
    成立於1973年的台橡公司,从早期的合成橡胶原料供应者,是专门制造与生产橡胶供应商与橡胶制造商,成功转型为橡胶制程与应用的专家。台橡三十多年来致力於生产各种泛用级(commodity) 及特用级(specialty)的橡胶产品,成功开发出Taipol® 及T-Blend® 品牌,除了提供合理价格的优质原料外,更多元跨足电子产品、运动、家电、医疗、日常用品等领域,重新创造橡胶在人类日常生活中所扮演的角色,提供生活的便利与舒适性。尤其在TPE产品的技术开发上,近年来更独立研发出具有高附加价值的「SEBS」,发展出简化制程、降低成本的第二代SEBS生产制程。未来,台橡也将继续针对第三代TPE产品的技术开发、以及环保材料的应用来进行研发,盼望满足更多客户的需求以及创造市场价值。
/ H- E0 }% m, a# M+ }! f) x0 {) K( @6 O7 A% E# i( `* |9 y
日本旭化成1 \9 x3 y! i1 O1 O7 G
! w  J6 K' j; I; p$ H7 J7 x5 ?# G9 f% h+ k1 i
1. Thermoplastic elastomers' K$ c* V" e. `8 V" G( z" i
Generally speaking,thermoplastic elastomers(TPEs),which combine the processing advantages of thermoplastics with the flexible, low-modulus properties of elastomers, continue to grow in a wide variety of applications, include TPV, TPR, TPO, TPU, TPEE, TPAE. TPR is exclusively referred to as SEBS, and SBS (Styreneic Block Copolymers, SBCs). Block copolymer In 1972 Shell added the S–EB–S copolymer, where EB is the ethylene-butylene copolymer segment.S–EB–S copolymer is prepared by hydrogenation of the polybutadiene center block thus eliminating the double bonds and improving resistance of the product to oxidative scission and ozone attack . The product was introduced as Kraton G®.
5 a: t) F/ I% x# e2. Internationally renownedTPE manufacturers5 S, c% `+ j( C! R1 p5 F% j
There are many kinds of thermoplastic elastomers, in the development of TPEs history, include PVC thermoplastic materials, polyurethane thermoplastic, styrene-diene block copolymers, copolyetherester thermoplastic elastomers thermoplastic polyolefin blends (TPOs), thermoplastic vulcanizates (TPVs), polyamide thermoplastic elastomers, melt-processable rubber (MPR), etc.. While in a narrow sense, TPE refers to SEBS. And the internationally renowned TPE manufacturers include/ W" E: R; c$ ~* A
 Kraton. F" T6 f. ~* f2 Y4 I2 B9 X
The original inventor of styrenic block copolymer (SBC) chemistry in the 1960s, Kraton Performance Polymers Inc continues its year-on-year commitment to engineering precise polymer solutions in partnership with innovators worldwide. With unmatched supply reliability and global reach, Kraton Polymers is the world's leading manufacturer of SBCs, unique polyisoprene grades, and is the industry's backstage partner helping fuel tomorrow's market innovations.( }* B# _! o+ k2 p
 LCY6 d" y/ }% b) ?
LCY is a leading manufacturer of thermoplastic rubber. We offer a wide variety of products suitable for use in asphalt modification, adhesives, and plastic modification compounding. Our production plants are located in Taiwan, United States, and China. LCY has the global capacity to produce 350,000 metric tons of thermoplastic rubber annually.
& w  k' E" i  {" P6 z6 f0 z Eni SpA,
& ?/ E  _, }! p- Z2 PPolimeri Europa is a petrochemical company wholly owned and controlled by Eni SpA, which manages the production and marketing of a wide portfolio of petrochemical products such as basic chemicals, polyethylene, elastomers and styrenics.
* Z2 ^5 Z1 `( A6 ?5 g$ f Kuraray; b! ?: F* e, g
SEPTON is a styrene thermoplastic elastomer developed by Kuraray's proprietary technology. SEPTON has the elasticity of rubber, yet can be molded like plastic by heating it. It displays excellent heat resistance, weather resistance and chemical resistance, while boasting high electrical insulation properties.
3 q6 R- J! B. S) E" Z2 d% p TSRC9 s4 u* F6 G( K5 i  L& q
TSRC has accumulated more than 30 years of technology and experience since its establishment in 1973. The company has moved forward constantly throughout its corporate history, transforming itself from a supplier of materials in the early years into a specialist in refining rubber production processes and applications. TSRC produces all kinds of commodity and specialty products within the synthetic rubber industry and has successfully established the Taipol® & T-Blend® brand. Except for providing high quality materials at reasonable price, even more diversifying into electronic, sports, home appliance, medical care and daily products, thereby remolding the role that rubber plays in our daily lives, and improving comfort and convenience of life for everybody. Especially upon technical development of TPE products, we have independently developed in recent year high-value-added SEBS product along with simplified, cost-reducing second-generation SEBS production processes. In the future, TSRC will focus on the development of third-generation SEBS technology as well as the application of environmental-friendly materials in the hope of satisfying the needs of still more customers and creating even more competitive market value.
# i& k! ^) A# K& r Asahi Kasei Corporation
- r1 ^% o! ?2 ?! h, XAsahi Kasei Corporation provides innovative solutions based in chemistry and materials science to a diverse range of markets including fibers, chemicals, consumer products, housing, construction, electronics, and health care.
! f5 _: E! }3 b- _. q3 m* w, L- P3 Q8 v" T% \( y2 e" o
Heroprene Elastomer2 E, v, n; `$ |* c% U- f) I3 [* g) s

7 n" `) f# y- k% ?( J  g6 hCompany Profile
  W5 r! ]! v$ e8 a! C    Established in 1999, Xiamen Heroprene Elastomer Industry Co., Ltd. has been engaging in manufacture of Thermoplastic Elastomer known as TPE.TPR and TPV.* |' {4 q$ g7 I
; e; U/ }' w3 Q
    Located in Xiamen Torch Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone of Xiang’an, Heroprene has annual production capacity of 20,000 tons with advanced production technology and green environmental protection formula introduced from U.S. There are several veteran international experts in the field of thermoplastic elastomer working with Heroprene. Meanwhile, we have 6 advanced automatic underwater pelletizing production lines. The batching, feeding, and pelletizing systems are all controlled by the PLC program.
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