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[外文] The Vanderbilt Latex Handbook

发表于 2008-9-6 10:10:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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胶大发了几本不错的英文书,我也来一下: d$ \0 u+ v, n; [) z  o  D/ w5 S7 H
, {; x; m( q6 z' K. a
2 E! S6 Y7 l" w8 ]! \The Vanderbilt Latex Handbook# L0 u2 b2 i/ K1 d4 d1 M
By George G. Winspear$ S# D& S  k4 h: x' X1 x6 X, b" A

7 B$ P# B6 n4 R) y4 p5 ~
8 t) x; [& e. x6 C( ?3 E--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 t9 Z! _) n+ L* m; \4 x, W: H% t8 m, s- I& w

1 |$ B4 j" q5 V, ]: c/ @& G& P9 ~% b9 V) v' A$ M+ K! c% R

" U4 p: m" T& YPublisher: R. T. Vanderbilt Company 8 i8 |$ q3 p6 u; U; N
Number Of Pages: $ P3 w# b( A  Q8 ?! `
Publication Date: 1987
  k0 o( [  R7 y  i' \; nISBN-10 / ASIN: B000H45A6I ' Z9 c/ m$ j5 P
ISBN-13 / EAN:
: Z  w: M2 E7 z5 z( ^# e9 \. ?" IBinding: Hardcover
/ n, Y2 W" z3 l+ s- r/ a1 t2 u! U, |* u , j5 F5 h! r+ R) i

5 T  n; R# Y* A. ^+ I' a
) p8 m6 k! j6 K* I% H6 MThe Vanderbilt Latex Handbook
5 P( U5 M' m* R4 I
2 t( h  y9 L- K, V' T; V) J) ?% @: {& i2 A' a/ }1 q* n8 E5 Z9 _+ T9 r
by Robert F. Mausser9 Q$ _/ A+ o* |' j8 M8 a' a& `
" K& Q+ q; t) t2 h3 f

9 N4 B4 k  {. f4 @5 o5 G
8 p7 `4 k3 A6 T' t( P, rThis handbook has been compiled as a source of information for persons primarily engaged in the latex branch of the industry. It is intended to serve as a guide for the novice compounder so that laboratory and plant trials will generate meaningful data. For the experienced compounder, it is intended to serve as both a current and handy reference. Emphasis has intentionally been placed on the use of Vanderbilt compounding ingredients throughout the handbook.9 H/ z5 r( M1 @4 z, i& ]
; r: ~* H: r) z$ r- R# d7 T
Table of Contents:
+ ~2 Y- \# Z1 _, s6 e% ~' F2 j. M. k6 b; u
Introduction to Latex Compounding and Processing
/ a0 |/ e: E! @Methylmethacrylate Graft Polymer Latexes # }6 ^7 e1 Y$ d
Synthetic Latexes Produced by Emulsion Polymerization
" R7 H: A* T9 X# ?$ |9 N, N% [; h1 zLatexes Produced by Solvent Polymerization ( h6 ^: [8 y( |  x3 o) f/ O- [* d
Preparation of Ingredients for Compounding + {' k3 @4 g' G
Vanderbilt Ingredient Dispersion and Emulsion Formulatory " {4 j+ I5 z! B! j* u* s
DARVAN Surface Active Agents
' C" v) L0 X% z9 uVulcanization " y' p6 F) X/ v
Antidegradants for Retardation of Degradation 7 S8 z8 S! s  `' `8 e. [5 X% q
Other Vanderbilt Compounding Materials : q  E, X6 ^) O( @) ^
FDA Status of Rubber Chemicals
1 {% _. `' T: n) r- f3 n0 {9 e9 aChemical Identification and Analysis of Rubber Products 2 f% \6 _$ ^2 S5 [; h
Vanderbilt Laboratory Test Methods - Raw Materials
4 e& ^# \1 b6 a4 TLatex Laboratory Procedures
; y) w& F- q4 O. }+ ZLatex Handling in Bulk Systems 4 |/ \; Z7 e+ x- S. w, }" [) T
Dipped Gloves & l3 P8 X& M" r
Halogenation of Dipped Goods & G6 u4 s# \$ z  M( D4 g
Latex Tubing
( R8 A. r- D+ N8 i+ G" rMolded GoodsPaper Applications
; h/ [$ b7 _$ q+ B, x! CAdhesives ) \6 ~3 F8 o( U! @5 w, o
& }+ U+ v! `: J2 H8 T) gIndex
4 Z, I" O" E  d& c$ B3 G7 s; h3 b" `0 z( i% X/ F
2 }' b( W8 k, ?6 B/ F) {
. C/ T; F& ^- k. a& _/ m& E' f
4 }4 U5 z* c2 C6 P) f8 r  j6 h: t3 j
[ 本帖最后由 microtao 于 2008-9-6 10:11 编辑 ]


参与人数 2胶分 +5 技术指数 +8 收起 理由
ynpde + 3 优秀文章
LionKing + 5 + 5 资料不错


橡胶技术网 ,分享知识,创造价值! 一所没有围墙的大学!!
发表于 2008-9-6 11:39:46 | 显示全部楼层
橡胶技术网 ,分享知识,创造价值! 一所没有围墙的大学!!
发表于 2008-9-6 17:43:20 | 显示全部楼层
可惜是胶乳不是配方的,楼主有Vanderbilt有关配方的电子书籍吗?3 V. e, i; U( |1 B
- y  {% [, {3 s4 U) [
) W- C9 G8 [6 U* ]' _% _
, ]2 I' s* a! t4 L8 a/ W>>>   2008-9-6 17:52 补充以下内容8 g3 A8 [( y! a1 W! u0 s$ i

, s7 u8 D1 R. ?1 z怎么下不下来啊?
橡胶技术网 ,分享知识,创造价值! 一所没有围墙的大学!!
发表于 2008-9-6 19:45:10 | 显示全部楼层
: A7 u* R0 ]5 H0 f下来学习啊9 K4 `! w# l+ R7 d/ n7 u
橡胶技术网 ,分享知识,创造价值! 一所没有围墙的大学!!
发表于 2008-9-6 20:03:07 | 显示全部楼层
) D2 h. G! a3 @: g9 H+ jo(∩_∩)o...哈哈
4 G2 q4 S: E8 x9 v, f# G+ v/ F' y1 H2 D( \
>>>   2008-9-7 07:49 补充以下内容" s8 h0 Y; Q' e% l
3 S8 ]' J; [2 q$ v0 b
怎么下不下来啊?1 D0 b% u3 p$ \0 Q
( O, |* B) ]6 p/ u' k) p; L
& W8 E% ~* y5 m6 a这个网盘的 下载地址很隐蔽。
  E7 o: _2 T% ~/ x& A就是标题 那行。. Z7 u2 L" B: b+ d6 J, G

; A1 k' ^8 A4 T5 O8 C& g/ M9 F1 B下面的是广告。
橡胶技术网 ,分享知识,创造价值! 一所没有围墙的大学!!
发表于 2008-9-17 13:04:30 | 显示全部楼层
橡胶技术网 ,分享知识,创造价值! 一所没有围墙的大学!!
发表于 2008-9-17 13:53:05 | 显示全部楼层
橡胶技术网 ,分享知识,创造价值! 一所没有围墙的大学!!
发表于 2008-9-21 11:39:55 | 显示全部楼层

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橡胶技术网 ,分享知识,创造价值! 一所没有围墙的大学!!
发表于 2008-9-22 00:08:22 | 显示全部楼层
橡胶技术网 ,分享知识,创造价值! 一所没有围墙的大学!!
发表于 2008-9-22 22:27:12 | 显示全部楼层
橡胶技术网 ,分享知识,创造价值! 一所没有围墙的大学!!
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