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[论文] 不可压缩层合橡胶圆管径向膨胀的稳定性分析

发表于 2012-1-6 19:47:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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5 ]+ W- r$ U9 l3 y7 r( v4 F  , {5 S8 v! ~% Z/ Y8 ?: z
【英文篇名】 Stability Analysis of Radial Inflation of Incompressible Composite Rubber Tubes 0 ^5 b; F& d9 T) a  A+ v3 a1 B
【作者中文名】 袁学刚; 张文正; 张洪武; 朱正佑; & ]0 @5 q# L9 k* Y, {7 |3 Z
【作者英文名】 YUAN Xue-gang1; 2; ZHANG Wen-zheng2; ZHANG Hong-wu2; ZHU Zheng-you3(1.School of Science; Dalian Nationalities University; Dalian; Liaoning 116600; P.R.China; 2.State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment; Department of Engineering Mechanics; Dalian University of Technology; Liaoning 116024; 3.Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics; Department of Mechanics; Shanghai University; Shanghai 200072; P.R.China);
* e; C5 t' J& D& [+ s+ ?【作者单位】 大连民族学院理学院; 大连理工大学工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室工程力学系; 上海大学力学系上海市应用数学和力学研究所; 4 l# E& S$ H1 r3 N  q
【文献出处】 应用数学和力学, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 编辑部邮箱 2011年 03期  & h4 ?1 z9 d3 Z, j5 y' Y( Y* @
期刊荣誉:中文核心期刊要目总览  ASPT来源刊  中国期刊方阵  CJFD收录刊 + F3 j4 i7 o1 I4 e3 n
【关键词】 层合橡胶管道; 径向膨胀; 稳定性; 非线性周期振动; / M$ T# m/ P0 F6 B4 R# D& K
【英文关键词】 composite rubber tube; radial inflation; stability; nonlinearly periodic oscillation;
: {5 c# B1 J+ D, g  f0 A3 |3 J. @【摘要】 研究由两类不可压缩的橡胶材料组成的层合圆柱形管道,在内表面受到突加的径向压力作用时的膨胀机理.建立了问题的数学模型;利用材料的不可压缩条件、边界条件以及圆管的径向位移和径向应力的连续性条件将相应的控制方程约化为一个二阶非线性常微分方程,并得到了该方程的首次积分.给出了管道拟静态膨胀和动态膨胀的定性分析,特别地,结合数值算例讨论了材料参数、结构参数以及径向压力对管道径向膨胀和非线性周期振动的影响. & ^! [8 P4 `4 H/ E. P( Z; b
【英文摘要】 The inflation mechanism was examined for a composite cylindrical tube composed of two incompressible rubber materials,where the inner surface of the tube was subjected to a suddenly applied radial pressure.The mathematical model of the problem was formulated and the corresponding governing equation was reduced to a second order ordinary differential equation by using the incompressible condition of the material,the boundary conditions and the continuity conditions of radial displacement and radial stress of...


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